Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My response to Aijaz Zaka Sayed's article, "In the name of God"

My response, to Aijaz Zaka Sayed's article, "In the name of God" from the Khaleej Times.
Assalamualaikum, good article, quite emotional infact. Terror in all its form should be strongly condemned.
But I would like to say one thing, whoever does it, the blame comes upon muslims.There is no single political authority of Muslims, like a Khalifa, to control, or to answer or to deny vehemently. And you will agree with me that, many hues of terror indoctrinated individuals have appeared on the scene only after the fall of Caliphate.
And the way such incidents create anti-islamic sentiments form a handy tool at the hands of powers that be, to exploit it for their advantage. Or are they stage managing it? who is really getting benefitted from this?
It is now a fact that, these powers nurture mercenaries, pseudo jihadists to keep the pot boiling. Sometimes, some thing suddenly explodes from the luggage of an unsuspectiing victim, killing him and his sorrounding people instantly. He will not be there to tell his tale, and the media will be projecting a victim as a suicide bomber.
Sometimes few impressionble minds are drawn into violence, by the international agents posing as sympathizers and they prod them, and provide with logistics for the bombing attacks. But many a time they simply happen, we need to ask how? Inspite of the tight grip of the Western forces, why such suicide bombings are occuring regularly in Iraq and Afghanistan? Who is planting those bombs in the cars, carts and luggage of unsuspecting individuals, and projecting it as suicide bombings? There are many things to answer before we generalise.The conscience of a muslim is not stony hard, there may be many things brewing inside, but it is still the most humane and tender in its bearing.Seeing for conspiracies in all things look absurd, but something is fishy down their.

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